Radon Test Kits due next week!
We had some awesome visitors from the Center for Disease Control in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades before the Holiday Break. The two scientists had great information on STEM careers and science lessons for each grade. They focused the lessons on radon, a poisonous gas that can naturally collect in buildings. Fifth graders even got to experiment with dry ice and radioactive lead! Your student came home with a radon home testing kit and letter explaining what we were up to. It is a really neat opportunity to contribute to the CDC’s database on radon levels in Georgia – a real-world “citizen science” project. The class that mails in the most completed kits (postage is free and you only have to hang them up over one weekend) will win a pizza party from the folks at the CDC! But time is running out - All completed test kits must be mailed in after this weekend!