1st Grade #TrittAtHome - Science Lab Lesson 1

Natural environments are constantly changing due to the plants and animals that live in the area, human activity, and natural processes, such as erosion, severe weather events, and climate change. This can have a negative or positive affect on that environment.

Look at the following pictures of how living things change their natural environment to meet their needs. For each picture identify the plant or animal, identify the need that is being met, and describe how the living thing is impacting the natural environment, and whether it is a positive or negative change. Share your answers with your homeroom teacher, in the comments below, or email Mr. Giunta.

Watch these videos from Crash Course Kids. When you are done, answer the Conclusion Questions using the Comments box below. If you have any pictures to share of positive or negative impacts in your neighborhood, then please email them to me and I will be sure to share them!

Conclusion Questions:

Describe a living thing from the natural environment around your home. How does it impact the natural environment to meet its needs?

How do you think humans impact the natural environment to meet their needs? Is this impact positive or negative to the natural environment?

Family Connections:

Take a walk with your family around your neighborhood to identify the impacts plants and animals have on the environment in which they live. Use a camera to take photographs of what you find.