Green Paws, Winter Session, Week of 3/15/21

This is the last week of the Green Paws Winter Session! If you haven’t signed up for Spring, then I’d love to have you - new students are welcome as well!

  • Spring Session: March 22nd - May 19th


eARTh Project: Great job on the mushroom seats / tic-tac-toe tables over the weekend! Tell your parents to follow Green Paws on Facebook in order to see pictures from the weekend :-)

Field Trips: Not only did you guys rock the mushroom seats and tic-tac-toe tables, but on the fly you built FOUR scarecrows with Ms. Beckie - great job! The next field trip will be at a National Park again for those signed up for the final session on Green Paws.

#WaterWednesday: But now on Fridays (for the next two weeks)! Last week we planted beets and sugar snap peas. The garden should get lots of water this week, but we are going to add the greens we picked out earlier this season, and yes, do a little weeding.

  • @Tritt Elementary, Friday the 19th, from Noon - 2pm.

There are extra leafy green seeds available to swap or take home!

Environmental Engineering: This Friday we are building wind chimes for the Nature Trail using upcycled (plastic bottles, cans, pvc) or natural materials (sticks, bamboo). I’ll provide twine. Anyone have a good supply of bamboo to share?


Seed-to-Stomach: Cooking Show this Wednesday, the 17th, at 5PM. I’ll be providing the materials to create your own bouquet garni. I’ll find your kids afterschool to let them choose some things to take home. If you’re a zoomer, then we’ll make plans to meet up :-)The bouquet garni is intended to be added to a soup, sauce, casserole or poaching liquid of your choice!